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Allerage Farms Open Mare Trot, The Red Mile, Lexington, Kentucky 23.10.2010
Autumn Escapade
Autumn Escapade
Autumn Escapade
Autumn Escapade
Buck I St Pat
Buck I St Pat
Easy Dream
Easy Dream
Windsong Soprano
Windsong Soprano
Yursa Hanover
Yursa Hanover

Kaikki kuvat (6 kpl)


1.Tim Tetrick09,1a
2.Ron Pierce09,6a
3.David Miller09,7a

Kilpailun kunniataulukko

VuosiPaikkakuntaVoittajaOhjastaja 1. palkintoKuvia
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyBuck I St Pat US-7A-885
Tim Tetrick09,1a37 000 USD6 kpl
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyFriendly Amigo C-7DM-01
Jody Jamieson09,9a41 850 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyFrenchfrysnvinegar C-3CM-36
Jody Jamieson09,6a59 600 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyMaven US-5G-259
Yannick Gingras10,0a38 000 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyMistery Woman US-6H-185
Andrew McCarthy09,0a44 500 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyD'One S-10-4044
David Miller09,4a33 000 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyEmoticon Hanover US-1LM-42
Daniel Dube09,2a33 500 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, KentuckyEternal Lee US-6T-146
Andrew McCarthy09,2a28 500 USD
The Red Mile, Lexington, Kentucky34 750 USD