Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Yonkers Trot, New York, USA 10.7.1993


1.Ron Pierce12,3a

Kilpailun kunniataulukko

VuosiPaikkakuntaVoittajaOhjastaja 1. palkintoKuvia
New York, USAScott Frost US-88887
Joe o'Brien36 920 USD
New York, USAAdd Hanover US-91355
John Simpson 38 585 USD
New York, USAHoot Song
Ralph Baldwin28 906 USD
New York, USASpunky Hanover
Howard Camper28 079 USD
New York, USAJohn A Hanover US-100024
Stanley Dancer28 199 USD
New York, USADuke Of Decatur
Delvin Miller37 133 USD
New York, USADuke Rodney US-102475
Eddie Wheeler50 165 USD
New York, USAA.C.'s Viking US-105908
Sanders Russels52 711 USD
New York, USASpeedy Scot US-108446
Ralph Baldin16,8a67 564 USD
New York, USAAyres US-3144-A
John Simpson J:r15,6a58 346 USD
New York, USANoble Victory US-4888-B
Stanley Dancer15,8a61 118 USD
New York, USAPolaris US-4851-C
George Sholty18,3a61 688 USD
New York, USAPomp US-1704-D
Harry Pownall17,6a75 000 USD
New York, USANevele Pride US-7308-E
Stanley Dancer16,8a75 000 USD
New York, USALindy's Pride US-2554-F
Howard Beissinger16,4a50 000 USD
New York, USAVictory Star 76-1615
Vernon Dancer16,9a53 385 USD
New York, USAQuick Pride US-5613-H
Stanley Dancer16,3a55 398 USD
New York, USASuper Bowl US-8540-I
Stanley Dancer15,8a46 549 USD
New York, USATamerlane US-7544-J
Chas W Clark17,6a46 621 USD
New York, USASpitfire Hanover US-6663-K
Delvin Miller17,9a62 911 USD
New York, USASurefire Hanover US-5896-L
Stanley Dancer16,4a100 000 USD
New York, USASteve Lobell US-6338-P
Billy Haughton15,7a101 002 USD
New York, USAGreen Speed US-0765-R
Billy Haughton14,0a119 500 USD
New York, USASpeedy Somolli US-155-AS
Howard Beissinger14,3a116 797 USD
New York, USAChiola Hanover US-1963-T
James Allen17,1a118 883 USD
New York, USANevele Impulse US-931-BV
Richard Macomber16,7a130 520 USD
New York, USAMo Bandy US-5720-W
Carl Allen16,0a142 351 USD
New York, USAMystic Park US-477-BX
Frank O'Mara15,0a207 580 USD
New York, USAJoie de Vie US-7256-Y
William Gilmour15,0a243 075 USD
New York, USABaltic Speed US-3578-Z
Jan Nordin15,6a215 890 USD
New York, USAMaster Willie US-A-7736
Jan Nordin14,3a220 420 USD
New York, USAGunslinger Spur US-BH-644
Richard L Stillings15,1a186 252 USD
New York, USAMack Lobell US-CA-395
John Campbell13,2a162 058 USD
New York, USASouthern Newton US-8889-D
Berndt Lindstedt14,6a215 748 USD
New York, USAValley Victory US-E-3089
Bill O'Donnell13,7a209 405 USD
New York, USARoyal Troubador US-FG-131
Carl Allen13,6a212 483 USD
New York, USACrown's Invitation US-G-7552
Mike Lachance14,3a185 197 USD
New York, USAMagic Lobell US-H-7434
Lorenzo Baldi13,6a185 133 USD
New York, USAAmerican Winner US-JA-471
Ron Pierce12,3a156 850 USD
New York, USABullville Victory US-1233-K
Cat Manzi13,6a143 140 USD
New York, USACR Kay Suzie US-L-7992
Rod Allen12,1a138 282 USD
New York, USAContinentalvictory US-M-5573
Mike Lachance12,3a167 350 USD
New York, USALord Stormont US-NW-410
Dough Brown13,8a145 974 USD
New York, USAMuscles Yankee US-P-4377
John Campbell13,1a159 863 USD
New York, USACR Renegade US-R-6194
Rod Allen13,3a136 946 USD
New York, USAGoalfish US-S-7141
Jacqueline Ingrassia14,0a172 701 USD
New York, USABanker Hall US-TW-908
Trevor Mitchie14,1a170 307 USD
New York, USABubba Dunn US-VA-742
Jeff Gregory13,8a169 313 USD
Illinois, USASugar Trader US-WD-602
Cat Manzi13,7a168 614 USD
Illinois, USAWindsong's Legacy US-X-9971
Trond Smedshammer10,4a195 600 USD
New Jersey, USAStrong Yankee US-Z-7663
Brian Sears12,2a148 908 USD
New York, USAGlidemaster US-1AF-97
George Brennan12,0a322 385 USD
New York, USAGreen Day US-4B-498
Cat Manzi12,1a322 385 USD
New York, USANapoleon US-7CE-71
Stephane Bouchard12,8a302 927 USD
New York, USAJudge Joe US-1D-076
Ron Pierce12,2a335 387 USD
Yonkers, New YorkOn The Tab US-2E-474
David Miller13,8a286 885 USD
Yonkers, New YorkLeader Of The Gang US-6F-668
David Miller13,0a222 737 USD
Yonkers, New YorkArchangel US-2G-715
Jim Morrill Jr11,0a222 797 USD
Yonkers, New YorkDewycolorintheline US-0HA-30
Ray Schnittker13,1a225 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkNuncio US-8J-260
John Campbell12,1a250 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkHabitat US-2K-435
Brian Sears11,3a250 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkMarion Marauder US-0L-145
Scott Zeron12,2a250 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkTop Flight Angel US-9M-569
Brian Sears12,5a
Yonkers, New YorkSix Pack US-7N-714
Åke Svanstedt10,9a250 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkGimpanzee US-1P-775
Brian Sears10,6a250 000 USD
Ei ajettu
Yonkers, New YorkJohan Palema US-8S-929
Yannick Gingras11,5a250 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkJoviality S-19-3783
Brian Sears10,4a140 452 USD
Yonkers, New YorkUp Your Deo US-9V-836
Åke Svanstedt10,6a150 000 USD
Yonkers, New YorkSir Pinocchio US-8W-688
Jason Bartlett11,3a150 000 USD