Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Woodhall Rene
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB 6795
Säkä95.3 cm Värirt
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset1 jälkeläistä
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Sorrel of Houlland
SPSB 1970
rt 100 cm s. 1964 GBR

Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828
rt 91 cm s. 1961 GBR

Wells Gold Dust SPSB 1722
rt 96 cm s. 1957 GBR
Wells Gold Link SPSB 1596
rt 83 cm s. 1953 GBR
Bobolink of Felbridge SPSB 1555 m 78 cm s. 1946
Nolina of Felbridge SPSB 4876 vkkkm 92 cm s. 1942
Wells Petronella SPSB 5256
phkko 96 cm s. 1951 GBR
Masterstroke of Netherley SPSB 1481 rt 97 cm s. 1947
Pepita SPSB 4868 phkko 96 cm s. 1938
Lotsin of Berry SPSB 5551
m 99 cm s. 1957 GBR
Mighty Fine of Netherley SPSB 1459
m 97 cm s. 1946 GBR
Harviestoun Beau SPSB 1369 m 99 cm s. 1933
Mischief of Netherley SPSB 4734 m 101 cm s. 1933
Linda of Berry SPSB 5150
m 99 cm s. 1952 GBR
Mundurno Banker SPSB 1430 m 104 cm s. 1941
Thoralind of Mundurno SPSB 4915 m 102 cm s. 1940
Marigold of Houlland SPSB 5325
rt 96 cm s. 1953 GBR

Viking of Houlland S. 267 HOL
rtkrj 102 cm s. 1947 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335
mkrj 100 cm s. 1932 GBR
Patriot of Lawers SPSB 1229 mkrj 92 cm s. 1926
Berlinda of Transy SPSB 4485 m 94 cm s. 1926
Amelia of Dunira SPSB 4747
m 106 cm s. 1933 GBR
Dollar Boy SPSB 1242 m 99 cm s. 1926
Agnes of Earlshall SPSB 4548 m 98 cm s. 1927
Wells Gold Flake SPSB 5030
rt 96 cm s. 1948 GBR
Cinders SPSB 1413
km 101 cm s. 1942 GBR
The Bat of Hazel Hurst SPSB 1424 krj 93 cm s. 1927
Evana of Earlshall SPSB 4516 km 101 cm s. 1926
Thelma of Longhaugh SPSB 4872
m 104 cm s. 1937 GBR
Ranger of Earlshall SPSB 1341 m 104 cm s. 1932
Amelia of Dunira SPSB 4747 m 106 cm s. 1933
SPSB 145 B
km 90 cm s. 1960 GBR

Littlestoke White Knight SPSB 1710
km 93 cm s. 1957 GBR

Littlestoke Actor SPSB 1586
km 86 cm s. 1938 GBR
Elegant of Earlshall SPSB 1257
km 95 cm s. 1927 GBR
Gluss Norseman SPSB 759 km 94 cm s. 1911
Emblem of Earlshall SPSB 3974 km 93 cm s. 1916
Littlestoke Arominta SPSB 4710
km 91 cm s. 1934 GBR
Littlestoke Jack Frost SPSB 1291 km 86 cm s. 1929
Alice of Earlshall SPSB 4580 m 93 cm s. 1930
Newtown Nanette SPSB 4737
km 88 cm s. 1935 GBR
Ayton of Lillywhite SPSB 1287
km 101 cm s. 1926 GBR
Liberty of Earlshall SPSB 1162 km 92 cm s. 1922
Lil of Earlshall SPSB 4156 km 95 cm s. 1919
Nola of Manar SPSB 4470
km 86.5 cm s. 1922 GBR
Light Boy of Earlshall SPSB 927 km 96.5 cm s. 1916
Footlights SPSB 1838 rnkrj 91 cm s. 1900
Minnehaha SPSB 1470 IS

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