Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Vaynor Rocket
RotuWelsh, sektio A (Mountain)SukupuolioriReknroWSB 2763
SäkäVärikm, tipt
KasvattajaMeredith David, Pontsarn, Nr. Merthyr, Iso-BritanniaOmistajaEvans D.T., Bodorgan, Anglesey, Iso-Britannia (1958)
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset104 jälkeläistä
Muutavol. XLI
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Revel Starlight
WSB 2012
km s. 1947 GBR

Mathrafal Tuppence WSB 1639
km s. 1932 GBR

Mathrafal Vim WSB 1481
trn s. 1925 GBR
Mathrafal Vulture WSB 1480
m s. 1921 GBR
Mathrafal Wampus WSB 1066 trn s. 1912
Mathrafal Ritaway WSB 7939 m s. 1916
Mathrafal Empress WSB 8756
m s. 1919 GBR
Mathrafal Wampus WSB 1066 trn s. 1912
Mathrafal Slippery Ann WSB 3528 rtpäis s. 1906
Twilight of Dyffryn WSB 9058
km s. 1924 GBR
Kilhendre Celtic Silverlight WSB 953
km s. 1916 GBR
Bleddfa Shooting Star WSB 73 km 117 cm s. 1901†
Grove Apricot WSB 4421 km s. 1909
Mary of Llanfechain WSB 9057
rn s. 1914 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84 rt s. 1895
Pentre Kitty WSB 4222 trn s. 1910
Grwyne Sack WSB 9418
km s. 1934 GBR

Revel Blue Stone WSB 1611
km s. 1930 GBR
Usk Valley Greystone WSB 1273
km s. 1922 GBR
Criban Kid WSB 976 km s. 1916
Usk Valley Brownie
Usk Valley Blackbird WSB 7950
m s. 1922 GBR
Usk Valley Model WSB 1284 trn s. 1918
Usk Valley Midget WSB 7955 rn s. 1916
Grwyne Flower WSB 8299
rt s. 1924 GBR
Grwyne Silver Model WSB 1164
km s. 1921 GBR
Bwlch Quicksilver WSB 748 km s. 1910
Tydu Chess WSB 6653
rt s. 1910 GBR
Eppynt Mountain Pony
Eppynt Mountain Pony
Vaynor Judy
WSB 10911
vrn 112 cm s. 1950 GBR

Criban Flag Day WSB 1726
km s. 1944 GBR

Criban Grey Grit WSB 1699
km s. 1939 GBR
Mathrafal Tuppence WSB 1639
km s. 1932 GBR
Mathrafal Vim WSB 1481 trn s. 1925
Twilight of Dyffryn WSB 9058 km s. 1924
Criban Bay Leaf WSB 8971
rn s. 1933 GBR
Criban Bumble Bee WSB 1394 rn s. 1923
Criban Wild Lily WSB 8332 km s. 1922
Criban Charity WSB 8913
rn s. 1932 GBR
Criban Bumble Bee WSB 1394
rn s. 1923 GBR
Criban Shot WSB 1276 rt s. 1920
Criban Busy Bee WSB 7963 trn s. 1920
Criban Mulberry WSB 8611
rn 122 cm s. 1924 GBR
Criban Cracker WSB 1308 km s. 1921
Criban Raspberry WSB 7971 rtpäis s. 1920
Vaynor June WSB 10910
rt 111 cm s. 1944 GBR

Criban Grey Grit WSB 1699
km s. 1939 GBR
Mathrafal Tuppence WSB 1639
km s. 1932 GBR
Mathrafal Vim WSB 1481 trn s. 1925
Twilight of Dyffryn WSB 9058 km s. 1924
Criban Bay Leaf WSB 8971
rn s. 1933 GBR
Criban Bumble Bee WSB 1394 rn s. 1923
Criban Wild Lily WSB 8332 km s. 1922
Caroline WSB 1600-FS.2
vkk s. 1941 GBR
Criban Cockade WSB 1627
rnvkk 111 cm s. 1936 GBR
Ness Commander WSB 1459 km 111 cm s. 1924
Criban Socks WSB 8703 trt 114 cm s. 1926
Dolly WSB 603-FS.1
rn s. 1932 GBR
Criban Marksman WSB 1395 trn s. 1926
Ches WSB 602-FS rt
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