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Revel Joker
RotuWelsh, sektio A (Mountain)SukupuolioriReknroWSB 2272
KasvattajaGriffiths Emrys, The Revel, Talgarth, Breconshire, Iso-BritanniaOmistaja
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset64 jälkeläistä
Muutavol. XXXVII
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Revel Hailstone
SPSB 1155
km s. 1946 GBR

Coed Coch Glyndwr WSB 1617
rnpäiskm s. 1935 GBR

Revolt WSB 493
päis 122 cm s. 1909 GBR
Llwyn Tyrant WSB 207
päis s. 1905 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84 rt s. 1895
Florence rtpäis tai rnpäis
Llwyn Flyaway WSB 145
rn 115 cm s. 1897 GBR
Eiddwen Flyer WSB 421 rt 147 cm s. 1877†
Llwyn Blaze trn
Dinarth Henol WSB 8683
km s. 1927 GBR
Llwyn Satan WSB 1325
km 111 cm s. 1923 GBR
Kilhendre Celtic Silverlight WSB 953 km s. 1916
Llwyn Tempter WSB 6086 rn 121 cm s. 1915
Irfon Marvel WSB 6350
km s. 1916 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Henallt Black WSB 3502 m s. 1905
Touchstone of Sansaw WSB 8962
km 113 cm s. 1934 GBR

Grove Sprightly WSB 1036
km s. 1918 GBR
Bleddfa Shooting Star WSB 73
km 117 cm s. 1901 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Alveston Belle WSB 572 m 121 cm s. 1897
Grove Sprite II WSB 4431
trt s. 1912 GBR
Grove Ballistite WSB 200 km s. 1908
Grove Fairy WSB 2531 rt s. 1905
Grove Limestone WSB 5782
km s. 1916 GBR
Bleddfa Shooting Star WSB 73
km 117 cm s. 1901 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Alveston Belle WSB 572 m 121 cm s. 1897
Grove Limelight WSB 3002
km s. 1908 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Lady Greylight WSB 2046 km s. 1904
Revel Judy
WSB 9629
rt s. 1934 GBR

Cwmforest Little Jack WSB 1418
trt s. 1923 GBR

Forest Rocket WSB 391
rt s. 1904 GBR
Forest Cupid WSB 79
rt s. 1901 GBR
Prince Horace HSB 6863 rn
Lobelia trn
Forest Eiddwen Nora WSB 1233
m s. 1898 GBR
Eiddwen Flyer II WSB 10 rt s. 1888
Nora WSB 191 m s. 1894
Forest Penrhose Puzzle WSB 6031
rn s. 1915 GBR
Forest Sweep WSB 757
m s. 1911 GBR
Forest Black Gem WSB 559 m s. 1908
Forest Miss Moorcock WSB 1248 trn s. 1901
Forest Blaze Jinks WSB 4381
rn s. 1910 GBR
Redlight WSB 158 rn s. 1904
Forest Jinks WSB 1239 rn s. 1898
Revel Bay Leaf WSB 9055
mrn s. 1931 GBR

Revel Grey WSB 1329
km s. 1922 GBR
Bwlch Quicksilver WSB 748
km s. 1910 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Lady Greylight WSB 2046 km s. 1904
Criban Welsh Flash WSB 6636
km s. 1917 GBR
Criban Orion WSB 996 trn s. 1912
Vaynor Flash WSB 3549 km s. 1905
Forest Black Style WSB 8279
m s. 1922 GBR
Forest Black Lad WSB 1035
m s. 1917 GBR
Forest Bravo WSB 814 rn s. 1912
Forest Young Sloe WSB 4413 mrn s. 1909
Forest Bright Style WSB 6927
rn s. 1915 GBR
Forest Mountain Model WSB 390 rt s. 1900
Forest Style WSB 2518 trn s. 1905
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