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Revel Gin
RotuWelsh, sektio A (Mountain)SukupuolioriReknroWSB 3018
KasvattajaGriffiths Emrys, The Revel, Talgarth, Breconshire, Iso-BritanniaOmistaja
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset77 jälkeläistä
MuutaVol. XLII
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Owain Glyndwr
WSB 1889
km s. 1946 GBR

Coed Coch Glyndwr WSB 1617
rnpäiskm s. 1935 GBR

Revolt WSB 493
päis 122 cm s. 1909 GBR
Llwyn Tyrant WSB 207
päis s. 1905 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84 rt s. 1895
Florence rtpäis tai rnpäis
Llwyn Flyaway WSB 145
rn 115 cm s. 1897 GBR
Eiddwen Flyer WSB 421 rt 147 cm s. 1877†
Llwyn Blaze trn
Dinarth Henol WSB 8683
km s. 1927 GBR
Llwyn Satan WSB 1325
km 111 cm s. 1923 GBR
Kilhendre Celtic Silverlight WSB 953 km s. 1916
Llwyn Tempter WSB 6086 rn 121 cm s. 1915
Irfon Marvel WSB 6350
km s. 1916 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Henallt Black WSB 3502 m s. 1905
Wentworth Stormy Petrel WSB 9224
km s. 1937 GBR

Wentworth Greyshot WSB 1334
km s. 1924 GBR
Wentworth Springlight WSB 1225
km s. 1920 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Lady Greylight WSB 2046 km s. 1904
Lady Greylight WSB 2046
km s. 1904 GBR
Greylight WSB 80 km 115 cm (arvio) s. 1900
Puss WSB 228 rn s. 1896
Wentworth Grey Stormy WSB 8637
km s. 1926 GBR
Wentworth Springlight WSB 1225
km s. 1920 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Lady Greylight WSB 2046 km s. 1904
Lady Greylight WSB 2046
km s. 1904 GBR
Greylight WSB 80 km 115 cm (arvio) s. 1900
Puss WSB 228 rn s. 1896
Revel Glamour
WSB 9652
km s. 1942 GBR

Revel Atom Swell WSB 1667
rnvkk s. 1928 GBR

Forest Dun Dandy WSB 1475
rnvkk s. 1925 GBR
Forest Swell Sam WSB 1213
trn s. 1920 GBR
Forest Chief WSB 944 rn s. 1913
Forest Dun Cream Swell WSB 3843 rnvkk s. 1908
Forest Dunday WSB 6337
rnvkk s. 1917 GBR
Grove Starshine WSB 403 km s. 1906
Forest Deary Dun WSB 5146 rnvkk s. 1910
Forest Atom's Swell WSB 7319
rt s. 1918 GBR
Forest Atom WSB 813
Forest Mountain Model WSB 390 rt s. 1900
Forest Mighty Atom WSB 2603 trt s. 1902
Forest Jet Swell WSB 3847
m s. 1908 GBR
Forest Adbolton Sir Horace WSB 96 trn s. 1900
Forest Swell's Tip Top WSB 1754 trt s. 1903
Revel Gleam WSB 9630
km s. 1937 GBR

Revel Blue Stone WSB 1611
km s. 1930 GBR
Usk Valley Greystone WSB 1273
km s. 1922 GBR
Criban Kid WSB 976 km s. 1916
Usk Valley Brownie
Usk Valley Blackbird WSB 7950
m s. 1922 GBR
Usk Valley Model WSB 1284 trn s. 1918
Usk Valley Midget WSB 7955 rn s. 1916
Revel Sunrise WSB 9033
km s. 1933 GBR
Criban Chief WSB 1307
km GBR
Forest Chief WSB 944 rn s. 1913
Forest Greystone WSB 6936 km s. 1918
Forest Black Style WSB 8279
m s. 1922 GBR
Forest Black Lad WSB 1035 m s. 1917
Forest Bright Style WSB 6927 rn s. 1915
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