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North Wells Rose Ba-Ba
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroS. 63 HOL
Säkä83 cm Värirt
SiirtohistoriaIso-Britannia > Alankomaat ()
JälkeläisluokkaPreferentJälkeläiset4 jälkeläistä
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Stanhoe Happy Wanderer
SPSB 3007
rt 86 cm s. 1975 GBR

Stanhoe Romany SPSB 2774
rt 93 cm s. 1972 GBR

Gletness Spell SPSB 2466
rt 87.5 cm s. 1969 GBR
Superstition of Marshwood SPSB 1850
rn 96 cm s. 1961 GBR
Supremacy of Marshwood SPSB 1612 m 94 cm s. 1952
Avening Red Pepper II SPSB 5232 rt 86 cm s. 1952
Gletness Firebell SPSB 6555
rt 91 cm s. 1966 GBR
Fireball of Marshwood SPSB 1686 tprt 85 cm s. 1956
Blue Bell 2nd of Bothen SPSB 337 B phkko 96.5 cm s. 1963
Ardmair Rosemist SPSB 6709
rt 91.5 cm s. 1966 GBR
Rearlight of Felbridge SPSB 1432
rt 91.5 cm s. 1941 GBR
Emillius of Earlshall SPSB 1121 rt 97 cm s. 1922
Radiola of Sansaw SPSB 4568 rtkrj 95 cm s. 1924
Ardmair Roseflower SPSB 5524
rtkrj 90 cm s. 1958 GBR
Florio SPSB 1539 rtkrj 81 cm s. 1946
Red Rose SPSB 5380 rt 94 cm s. 1951
Stanhoe Goldrush SPSB 9243
rt 91 cm s. 1970 GBR

Bogs Golden Canyon SPSB 2243
prt 87.5 cm s. 1967 GBR
Rusty of Houlland SPSB 1906
rt 81 cm s. 1963 GBR
North Star of Houlland SPSB 1726 rtkrj 91 cm s. 1958
Tuppence of Houlland SPSB 5546 rt 86 cm s. 1957
Bogs of Rothie Cheyanne SPSB 5880
m s. 1962 GBR
Earl of North-Wells SPSB 1740 m 101 cm s. 1957
Belinda II of Berry SPSB 5590 mkrj s. 1960
Hurtwood Rompa SPSB 6253
rt 89 cm s. 1962 GBR
Rushlight of Felbridge SPSB 1433
rt 100 cm s. 1938 GBR
Emillius of Earlshall SPSB 1121 rt 97 cm s. 1922
Radiola of Sansaw SPSB 4568 rtkrj 95 cm s. 1924
Redwing of Felbridge SPSB 5068
rt 88 cm s. 1947 GBR
Flamenco of Felbridge SPSB 1404 krj 95 cm s. 1935
Radiant of Felbridge SPSB 4814 rt 96 cm s. 1937
North-Wells Golden Rose Myst
SPSB 13138
rt s. 1982 GBR

Bramble of Houlland SPSB 1973
prt 79 cm s. 1964 GBR

Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828
rt 91 cm s. 1961 GBR
Wells Gold Dust SPSB 1722
rt 96 cm s. 1957 GBR
Wells Gold Link SPSB 1596 rt 83 cm s. 1953
Wells Petronella SPSB 5256 phkko 96 cm s. 1951
Lotsin of Berry SPSB 5551
m 99 cm s. 1957 GBR
Mighty Fine of Netherley SPSB 1459 m 97 cm s. 1946
Linda of Berry SPSB 5150 m 99 cm s. 1952
Tuppence of Houlland SPSB 5546
rt 86 cm s. 1957 GBR
Nero of Houlland SPSB 1590
mkrj 91 cm s. 1953 GBR
Viking of Houlland S. 267 HOL rtkrj 102 cm s. 1947
Ninepins SPSB 4849 rn 97 cm s. 1941
Buttercup of Houlland SPSB 5251
rt 86 cm s. 1953 GBR
Viking of Houlland S. 267 HOL rtkrj 102 cm s. 1947
Nutkin SPSB 4947 rn 88 cm s. 1945
North-Wells Golden Roseleaf SPSB 10701
trt s. 1974 GBR

Normandykes Brimstone SPSB 2636
rt 91 cm s. 1970 GBR
Bramble of Houlland SPSB 1973
prt 79 cm s. 1964 GBR
Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828 rt 91 cm s. 1961
Tuppence of Houlland SPSB 5546 rt 86 cm s. 1957
Eigg of Normandykes SPSB 5430
krjkm 89 cm s. 1956 GBR
Normandykes Prince Charming SPSB 1605 hkkokrjkm 89 cm s. 1953
Ensay of Normandykes SPSB 5244 m 99 cm s. 1953
North-Wells Golden Rosebud SPSB 8051
s. 1970 GBR
Bramble of Houlland SPSB 1973
prt 79 cm s. 1964 GBR
Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828 rt 91 cm s. 1961
Tuppence of Houlland SPSB 5546 rt 86 cm s. 1957
Rosepetal of North Wells SPSB 6867
m s. 1966 GBR
Bruce of Luckdon SPSB 1863 m 93 cm s. 1962
Rosema of North Wells SPSB 5879 m 87 cm s. 1962
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