Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Salasana unohtunut?

Nixon of Guddon
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolioriReknroSPSB 2846
Säkä89 cm Värirt
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset45 jälkeläistä
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Gletness Rocket
SPSB 2207
rt 89 cm s. 1966 GBR

Fireball of Marshwood SPSB 1686
tprt 85 cm s. 1956 GBR

Firebird SPSB 1440
mpäis 86 cm s. 1937 GBR
Silver Fox SPSB 1269
mpäis 80 cm s. 1924 GBR
Helium SPSB 452 trn 84 cm s. 1905
Furiosa SPSB 4145 rtpäis 76 cm s. 1920
Firecrest SPSB 4674
rtkrj 81 cm s. 1932 GBR
Fairy Light SPSB 1259 rnkrj 85 cm s. 1925
Furiosa SPSB 4145 rtpäis 76 cm s. 1920
Nun of Houlland SPSB 5227
m 89 cm s. 1952 GBR
Viking of Houlland S. 267 HOL
rtkrj 102 cm s. 1947 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335 mkrj 100 cm s. 1932
Amelia of Dunira SPSB 4747 m 106 cm s. 1933
Nutkin SPSB 4947
rn 88 cm s. 1945 GBR
Balmohr Nick SPSB 1345 m 102 cm s. 1932
Ninepins SPSB 4849 rn 97 cm s. 1941
Rose of Belmont SPSB 5990
rt 100.3 cm s. 1963 GBR

Rambler of Berry SPSB 1749
rt 99 cm s. 1959 GBR
Mighty Fine of Netherley SPSB 1459
m 97 cm s. 1946 GBR
Harviestoun Beau SPSB 1369 m 99 cm s. 1933
Mischief of Netherley SPSB 4734 m 101 cm s. 1933
Linda of Berry SPSB 5150
m 99 cm s. 1952 GBR
Mundurno Banker SPSB 1430 m 104 cm s. 1941
Thoralind of Mundurno SPSB 4915 m 102 cm s. 1940
Primrose of Belmont SPSB 157 B
rt 97 cm s. 1959 GBR
Robin SPSB 1607
phkko 96.5 cm s. 1952 GBR
Cuckoo SPSB 1536 phkko 99 cm s. 1931
Rising Star SPSB 5237 rn 94 cm s. 1945
Ordale Daisy SPSB 1073 IS
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Eve of Houlland
SPSB 6887

Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828
rt 91 cm s. 1961 GBR

Wells Gold Dust SPSB 1722
rt 96 cm s. 1957 GBR
Wells Gold Link SPSB 1596
rt 83 cm s. 1953 GBR
Bobolink of Felbridge SPSB 1555 m 78 cm s. 1946
Nolina of Felbridge SPSB 4876 vkkkm 92 cm s. 1942
Wells Petronella SPSB 5256
phkko 96 cm s. 1951 GBR
Masterstroke of Netherley SPSB 1481 rt 97 cm s. 1947
Pepita SPSB 4868 phkko 96 cm s. 1938
Lotsin of Berry SPSB 5551
m 99 cm s. 1957 GBR
Mighty Fine of Netherley SPSB 1459
m 97 cm s. 1946 GBR
Harviestoun Beau SPSB 1369 m 99 cm s. 1933
Mischief of Netherley SPSB 4734 m 101 cm s. 1933
Linda of Berry SPSB 5150
m 99 cm s. 1952 GBR
Mundurno Banker SPSB 1430 m 104 cm s. 1941
Thoralind of Mundurno SPSB 4915 m 102 cm s. 1940
Daffodil of Houlland SPSB 5326
rtkrj 96 cm s. 1953 GBR

Viking of Houlland S. 267 HOL
rtkrj 102 cm s. 1947 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335
mkrj 100 cm s. 1932 GBR
Patriot of Lawers SPSB 1229 mkrj 92 cm s. 1926
Berlinda of Transy SPSB 4485 m 94 cm s. 1926
Amelia of Dunira SPSB 4747
m 106 cm s. 1933 GBR
Dollar Boy SPSB 1242 m 99 cm s. 1926
Agnes of Earlshall SPSB 4548 m 98 cm s. 1927
Dawn of Houlland SPSB 4981
mkrj 88 cm s. 1947 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335
mkrj 100 cm s. 1932 GBR
Patriot of Lawers SPSB 1229 mkrj 92 cm s. 1926
Berlinda of Transy SPSB 4485 m 94 cm s. 1926
Diana of Longhaugh SPSB 4870
m 99 cm s. 1937 GBR
Ranger of Earlshall SPSB 1341 m 104 cm s. 1932
Dumpy of Sandhills SPSB 4497 m 96 cm s. 1925
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