Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Longmead Lollypop
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB 6820
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset1 jälkeläistä
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Avening Coffee Cream
SPSB 1472
rt 82 cm s. 1948 GBR

Avening Jupiter SPSB 1410
rt 99 cm s. 1941 GBR

Avening Blusterer SPSB 1344
rn 89 cm s. 1933 GBR
Silver Fox SPSB 1269
mpäis 80 cm s. 1924 GBR
Helium SPSB 452 trn 84 cm s. 1905
Furiosa SPSB 4145 rtpäis 76 cm s. 1920
Big Bertha SPSB 4212
rn 94 cm s. 1922 GBR
Vainglory SPSB 842 rt 94 cm s. 1912
Belle of the Ball SPSB 2333 trn 94 cm s. 1904
Avening June SPSB 807 IS
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Avening Carola SPSB 4854
phkko 104 cm s. 1938 GBR

Ferdinand SPSB 1307
phkko 95 cm s. 1928 GBR
Café Cloche SPSB 1046
phkko 91 cm s. 1918 GBR
Electric Light SPSB 650 krj 93 cm s. 1909
Cafe au Lait SPSB 886 hkkokrj 85 cm s. 1891
Felice SPSB 3532
m 88 cm s. 1913 GBR
Bumble Bee SPSB 479 trn 91.5 cm s. 1906
Fairy Mary SPSB 2942 m 96 cm s. 1909
Corona's Climax SPSB 4505
rnhkko 101 cm s. 1927 GBR
Café Cloche SPSB 1046
phkko 91 cm s. 1918 GBR
Electric Light SPSB 650 krj 93 cm s. 1909
Cafe au Lait SPSB 886 hkkokrj 85 cm s. 1891
Corona SPSB 2015
m 101.5 cm s. 1902 GBR
Odin SPSB 32 m 96.5 cm s. 1880
Hoplemuroma SPSB 130 rtpäis 88 cm s. 1883
Kirkbride Cherry
SPSB 4972
trn 100 cm s. 1945 GBR

Kirkbride Warrior SPSB 1418
m 97 cm s. 1941 GBR

Harviestoun Sultan SPSB 1393
m 101 cm s. 1937 GBR
Rosdor of Transy SPSB 1267
m 104 cm s. 1926 GBR
Thorold of Transy SPSB 954 m 88 cm s. 1915
Rosette SPSB 3123 m 99 cm s. 1911
Harviestoun Sheba SPSB 4511
m 95 cm s. 1926 GBR
Helmet of Earlshall SPSB 408 m 99 cm s. 1904
Harviestoun Sheila SPSB 4287 trn 97 cm s. 1922
Harviestoun Truda SPSB 4794
m 100 cm s. 1934 GBR
Fickle of Transy SPSB 1260
m 105 cm s. 1927 GBR
Pole Star SPSB 884 m 94 cm s. 1914
Felicia of Transy SPSB 3945 m 99 cm s. 1916
Tiarella SPSB 3591
m 94 cm s. 1912 GBR
Swector SPSB 521 m 93 cm s. 1906
Thalia SPSB 2433 m 94 cm s. 1905
Kirkbride Chrissie SPSB 4856
rt 97 cm s. 1937 GBR

Bonny Boy of Earlshall SPSB 1303
m 91 cm s. 1929 GBR
Emillius of Earlshall SPSB 1121
rt 97 cm s. 1922 GBR
Sammy of Liberton SPSB 947 trn 97 cm s. 1916
Emily II SPSB 1940 km 94 cm s. 1902
Bohea of Earlshall SPSB 3923
m 100 cm s. 1916 GBR
Helmet of Earlshall SPSB 408 m 99 cm s. 1904
Boadicea SPSB 998 m 91.5 cm s. 1892
Kirkbride Baroness SPSB 4788
trn 98 cm s. 1933 GBR
Embryo of Earlshall SPSB 1245
m 101 cm s. 1924 GBR
Helmet of Earlshall SPSB 408 m 99 cm s. 1904
Emita of Earlshall SPSB 4073 m 99 cm s. 1919
Kirkbride Bramble SPSB 4508
km 95 cm s. 1926 GBR
Phoebus of Auchlochan SPSB 777 m 91 cm s. 1911
Brenda of Auchlochan SPSB 4200 km 96 cm s. 1922
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