Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Lloegr Gazelle
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB M07-557 (AM0295)
Säkä86 cm Värirn
KasvattajaReed Mrs Angela, Iso-Britannia
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset3 jälkeläistä
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Beaudesert Sundancer
SPSB S98-027 (AE1500)
rt 90 cm s. 1995 GBR

Kirkstall Lancelot SPSB 3927
phkkokrj 79 cm s. 1987† GBR

Little Jo of Green Meadows SPSB 3301
rtkrj 73 cm s. 1974 GBR
Ashorne Bri-Nylon SPSB 2236
rt 73.5 cm s. 1968 GBR
Tay Admiral SPSB 1861 rtkrj 76 cm s. 1957
Ashorne Brilon SPSB 5878 km 86 cm s. 1959
Tanygroes Sprite SPSB 1282 B
mpäis 81 cm s. 1971 GBR
Seva Alpha SPSB 91 B mkrj 83 cm s. 1968
Ashorne Shadow SPSB 853 B km s. 1967
Kirkstall Emily SPSB 12328
rnhkko 79 cm s. 1980 GBR
Kerswell Nijinsky SPSB 3118
rn 76 cm s. 1977 GBR
Ron of North-Wells SPSB 1989 m 79 cm s. 1963
Kinlet Fairy SPSB 9879 rt 78 cm s. 1974
Lockinge Shelley SPSB 8952
s. 1971 GBR
Arnhill Mark SPSB 1983 m 91.5 cm s. 1963
Nutty SPSB 5901 phkko 93 cm s. 1962
Kerswell Sparklet SPSB 16789
rt 82.5 cm s. 1990 GBR

Tiny of Nook SPSB 3965
rt 80 cm s. 1986 GBR
Ember of Houlland SPSB 2201
rt 86.4 cm s. 1967 GBR
Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828 rt 91 cm s. 1961
Dainty of Houlland SPSB 5327 m 86 cm s. 1953
Fairy of Leitchesdown SPSB 11739
m s. 1977 GBR
Wells Beau Ideal SPSB 2883 m s. 1974
Beauty of Borgie SPSB 9611 rt
Kerswell Sunrise FRA 50386057W
vkk s. 1986 GBR
Tyros Storm of Lambridge SPSB 3427
cremello 83 cm s. 1981 GBR
Micky of Shergold SPSB 2987 vkk 87 cm s. 1974
Tyros Goldie SPSB 16522 vkk 87.5 cm s. 1974
Kerswell Roberta SPSB 13103
rt GBR
Kerswell Nijinsky SPSB 3118 rn 76 cm s. 1977
Winchcombe Ruby SPSB 11049 rnhkko 84 cm s. 1976
Grace of Crafton
SPSB M98-518 (AD1952)
trn 91 cm s. 1994 GBR

Surpass of Marshwood SPSB 3208
m 95 cm s. 1978† GBR

Surety of Marshwood SPSB 2529
m 94 cm s. 1969 GBR
Supremacy of Marshwood SPSB 1612
m 94 cm s. 1952 GBR
Sprinter of Marshwood SPSB 1423 m 103 cm s. 1938
Jessamine of Marshwood SPSB 4845 m 101.5 cm s. 1936
Jessica of Marshwood SPSB 4879
m 104 cm s. 1943 GBR
Alert of Maryfield SPSB 1351 m 99 cm s. 1931
Jessamine of Marshwood SPSB 4845 m 101.5 cm s. 1936
Jubilant of Marshwood SPSB 6326
m 98 cm s. 1962 GBR
Rustic of Marshwood SPSB 1762
m 93 cm s. 1957 GBR
Rustic Sprite of Standen SPSB 1343 m 104 cm s. 1929
Stella of Marshwood SPSB 5272 m 99 cm s. 1951
Jessamine of Marshwood SPSB 4845
m 101.5 cm s. 1936 GBR
Rustic Sprite of Standen SPSB 1343 m 104 cm s. 1929
Jessie II of Marshwood SPSB 790 IS m 103 cm s. 1932
Arkholme Gabriel SPSB 1483 B

Dennybeck Redshank SPSB 2456
rt 98.5 cm s. 1969 GBR
Lakeland Hurricane SPSB 1915
rt 95 cm s. 1963 GBR
Wells Highlight SPSB 1801 m 100 cm s. 1960
Lakeland Shower SPSB 5 B m 94 cm s. 1953
Sun Princess of Thorne SPSB 6629
rt 100.5 cm s. 1966 GBR
Newtown Northman SPSB 1668 km 96.5 cm s. 1955
Snowdrop of Thorne SPSB 179 B km 96 cm s. 1960
Kirkbride Brownie SPSB 1701 IS
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