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Linden Tree EG
RotuArabialainen täysverinenSukupuolioriReknroAHR 234
KasvattajaAbdul Hamid II, EgyptiOmistajaGrant U.S., New York, Yhdysvallat
SiirtohistoriaTurkki > Yhdysvallat (30.5.1879)
JälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset2 jälkeläistä
Muuta – *LINDEN TREE/Ihlamur A?ac?, Grey Stallion foaled in Abdul Aziz’s Ka?ithane – stables in Istanbul, from Inak;1857, Grey Stallion, b. Biala Cerkiew, imp. from Poland. His Dam “Doru Hamde”(Bay Hamda), was a Hamdaniye Simriye by a Maneki Sübeyhi.
In the Imperial stables and stud farms of the Ottoman dynasty, there was no Barb’s.
We have Pure bred Arabian horses.
These came from the Bedouins and also from the stud Bialecerkiew from Poland.
Linden Tree was born in 1874, specifically bred by Sultan Abdulaziz I. and not of Abdülhamid II.
In 1864 the Sultan Abdulaziz I, founded a new farm, building with Arabian horses and sent a commission to purchase in Bialocerkiew, the stud of Count Branicki in Poland, whose breeding have a very good reputation.
The Commission purchased 92 horses, including some descendants of the 1855 stallion Indjanin imported from England.
In 1879 gave the Sultan Abdulhamid II, two stallions from this stable, Leopard and Linden Tree, as a gift to President Grant in the United States.Also the Blunt’s visited in 1893 the imperial stables, in this Time,there were about 1,700 Purebred Arabian horses.
Linden Tree was an Arabian stallion, on Hamdani and Kuhaylan inbred lines.
He founded a stallion line in the Turkish Arabianhorse breeding program, but extinct in 1975.

Abdülhamid II’s reign, from 1876 only until 1909.
Also Abdühamid II was not the last sultan, he was suceeded by Mehmed V., and Mehmed VI., was the last sultan.
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