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Learrons Love Affair
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolioriReknroSPSB 3607
Säkä81.3 cm Värirt
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset24 jälkeläistä
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SPSB 3124
rt 91 cm s. 1977 GBR

Cardinal SPSB 2911
rt 91 cm s. 1972 GBR

Rubicon SPSB 2191
rt 84.5 cm s. 1966 GBR
Superstition of Marshwood SPSB 1850
rn 96 cm s. 1961 GBR
Supremacy of Marshwood SPSB 1612 m 94 cm s. 1952
Avening Red Pepper II SPSB 5232 rt 86 cm s. 1952
Red Ruby SPSB 6009
trt 97 cm s. 1962 GBR
Avening Davy Crockett SPSB 1736 phkko 100 cm s. 1958
Red Light SPSB 5238 rt 91.5 cm s. 1944
Crinolette SPSB 7607
trt s. 1969 GBR
Fireproof of Marshwood SPSB 1792
rn 91.5 cm s. 1959 GBR
Firebird SPSB 1440 mpäis 86 cm s. 1937
Kitten of Houlland SPSB 5350 rn 91.5 cm s. 1955
Crinoline SPSB 5863
rt tai phkko 96 cm s. 1961 GBR
Avening Davy Crockett SPSB 1736 phkko 100 cm s. 1958
Caronia SPSB 5374 phkko 94 cm s. 1949
Coquette SPSB 7186
phkko 91.5 cm s. 1967 GBR

Rayon d'Ore SPSB 1866
rt 87 cm s. 1960 GBR
Berboy of Longhaugh SPSB 1683
rtkrj 86 cm s. 1956 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335 mkrj 100 cm s. 1932
Diana of Longhaugh SPSB 4870 m 99 cm s. 1937
Nippy of Longhaugh SPSB 4954
rtkrj 100 cm s. 1945 GBR
Berlad of Transy SPSB 1335 mkrj 100 cm s. 1932
Dione of Earlshall SPSB 4603 rt 99 cm s. 1929
Columbine SPSB 5864
phkko 97 cm s. 1961 GBR
Avening Davy Crockett SPSB 1736
phkko 100 cm s. 1958 GBR
Avening Jupiter SPSB 1410 rt 99 cm s. 1941
Avening Carola SPSB 4854 phkko 104 cm s. 1938
Cidonia SPSB 4784
phkko 88 cm s. 1936 GBR
Ferdinand SPSB 1307 phkko 95 cm s. 1928
Corona's Climax SPSB 4505 rnhkko 101 cm s. 1927
Shrawley Lucia
SPSB 11348
m 81.3 cm s. 1977 GBR

Hippie of Checkley SPSB 2534
m 91.5 cm s. 1970 GBR

Earl of North-Wells SPSB 1740
m 101 cm s. 1957 GBR
Masterstroke of Netherley SPSB 1481
rt 97 cm s. 1947 GBR
Harviestoun Beau SPSB 1369 m 99 cm s. 1933
Margarine of Netherley SPSB 4829 m 100 cm s. 1937
Dungeon Ghyll Daphne SPSB 4906
m 92 cm s. 1942 GBR
Dollar Boy SPSB 1242 m 99 cm s. 1926
Harviestoun Pearl SPSB 4726 m 102 cm s. 1933
Rayon of Checkley SPSB 7004
m 101.5 cm s. 1966 GBR
Earl of North-Wells SPSB 1740
m 101 cm s. 1957 GBR
Masterstroke of Netherley SPSB 1481 rt 97 cm s. 1947
Dungeon Ghyll Daphne SPSB 4906 m 92 cm s. 1942
Colwall Penny SPSB 5927
m 99 cm s. 1962 GBR
Eschonchan Sealgair SPSB 1732 m 96 cm s. 1956
Rosemary of Winwick SPSB 83 B m 99 cm s. 1957
North Wells Golden Lula SPSB 8496
rt 99 cm s. 1970 GBR

Bramble of Houlland SPSB 1973
prt 79 cm s. 1964 GBR
Gold Dust of Berry SPSB 1828
rt 91 cm s. 1961 GBR
Wells Gold Dust SPSB 1722 rt 96 cm s. 1957
Lotsin of Berry SPSB 5551 m 99 cm s. 1957
Tuppence of Houlland SPSB 5546
rt 86 cm s. 1957 GBR
Nero of Houlland SPSB 1590 mkrj 91 cm s. 1953
Buttercup of Houlland SPSB 5251 rt 86 cm s. 1953
Louise SPSB 408 B
m 89 cm s. 1964 GBR
Golden Boy of the Isles SPSB 23 B
rt 97 cm s. 1958 GBR
Merry Boy of Berry NS 03 m s. 1954
May of Forratwatt SPSB 1044 IS m 93 cm s. 1941
Lassie SPSB 1681 IS
Realm of Marshwood SPSB 5274 mkrj 99 cm s. 1953
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