Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Kantje's Cecile
RotuNew forestSukupuolitammaReknroSTB. 6364 NLD
Vb. 24926 NLD
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset4 jälkeläistä
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RNF 177
prt 144.5 cm s. 1984† NLD

Priory Prickle He.IMP. 78 NLD
rn 146 cm s. 1978† GBR

Tomatin Golden Gorse 35 00632 67 BRD
rn 142 cm s. 1967 GBR
Durley Sovereign of Burton NFS 1298
rt s. 1964 GBR
Sway Sunbeam NFS 132 rt s. 1958
Durley Goldie NFM 4871 rt s. 1955
Pikeshill Heather NFM 4296
rn s. 1962 GBR
Fritham Conkers 3936 NPS rt s. 1956
Pikeshill Poppet NFM 1891 m s. 1956
Priory Pollyantha NFM 9897
trn s. 1972 GBR
Priory Top Hat NFS 366
rn 132 cm s. 1961 GBR
Priory Starlight VII 3578 NPS vrn s. 1954
Brookside June 7968 NPS trn s. 1943
Priory Rosebud NFM 955
rn s. 1961 GBR
Priory Starlight VII 3578 NPS vrn s. 1954
Priory Rosina NFM 191 trn s. 1951
Broomy Perfection IMP. 1364 NLD
rt 140 cm s. 1965† GBR

Broomy Slip-On 2894 NPS
prt s. 1948 GBR
Telegraph Rocketer 1817 NPS
rt s. 1931 GBR
(forest horse)
Ocknell Lady 6261 NPS rn s. 1919
Judy XV 8253 NPS
vrn s. 1938 GBR
(forest horse)
Peggy (forest mare)
Broomy Dora IMP. 838 NLD
rn s. 1961 GBR
Mockbeggar Marshall NFS 719
vrn s. 1954 GBR
Mockbeggar Sheriff 3237 NPS vrn s. 1951
Mockbeggar Mystery 10379 NPS trn s. 1951
Broomy Blaze NFM 2679
rn s. 1953 GBR
Newtown Nimrod 2856 NPS trn s. 1944
Bratley Polly II 8064 NPS rn s. 1936
Menkhorsterslag's Lisa
STB. 5796 NLD
rn s. 1992 NLD

Young Winsome's Adrian He.STB. 202 NLD
m 147 cm s. 1987† NLD

Duke's Forest Antares He.STB. 107 NLD
rt 145 cm s. 1973 NLD
Heihof's Primeur NFH-E 50
mksrt 141.5 cm s. 1968 NLD
Ashmar Grey Admiral He.IMP. 27 NLD mkm 136 cm s. 1960
Silverlea Pink Petal IMP. 1270 NLD rt s. 1964
Mudeford Nutmeg III IMP. 499 NLD
trn 135 cm s. 1961 GBR
Brookside David 2475 NPS trn 134 cm s. 1943
Nutmeg 8821 NPS trt s. 1944
Winsome's Angela STB. 1863 NLD
rn 141 cm s. 1972 NLD
Oosterbroek Arthur He.IMP. 5 NLD
rt 139 cm s. 1958 NLD
Brookside David 2475 NPS trn 134 cm s. 1943
Gaythorn Minx IMP. 7 NLD vrn s. 1955
Prescott Winsome IMP. 493 NLD
km 136 cm s. 1959 GBR
Prescott Junius 3640 NPS rnkm s. 1954
Prescott Wendy 9025 NPS rn s. 1942
Tanja STB. 3172 NLD
trn s. 1977 NLD

De Ridderslag Carlo He.STB. 111 NLD
rn s. 1973 NLD
Golden Wonder He.IMP. 61 NLD
rt 146.5 cm s. 1966
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Mady STB. 585 NLD
rn s. 1967 NLD
Black Knoll Bay Leaf NFS 143 rn s. 1959
Brock Belinda IMP. 1071 NLD vrn s. 1962
Sandra STB. 1891 NLD
rn s. 1972 NLD
Chungel Fury He.STB. 33 NLD
m 137 cm s. 1966 NLD
Broomy Slip-On 2894 NPS prt s. 1948
Broomy Penny IMP. 949 NLD km s. 1959
Newtown Sunrise of Merrie IMP. 1356 NLD
rt s. 1965 GBR
Mockbeggar Wildfire II NFS 631 rt s. 1960
Newtown Pat 0155 LR rn s. 1957
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