Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Jefferson Barb Mare
RotuArabialainen täysverinenSukupuolitammaReknro
KasvattajaOmistajaJefferson Thomas, Yhdysvallat (1806 ->)
SiirtohistoriaTunisia > Yhdysvallat (1806)
JälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset1 jälkeläistä
MuutaAmerican Family 25

"Mare imported with Black Sultan; sent as a present from the Bey of Tunis, by the hands of his ambassador, Melli Melli, in the year 1806, to his Excellency, Thomas Jefferson, then President of United States, and assured by the said ambassador to be one of the highest bred mares in the country. She was sold, after the departure of Melli Melli, for the benefit of United States. She produced a filly by Black Sultan, called Sultana, who was the dam of Lady Burton by Sir Archy, one of the best brood mares this country has ever produced, and colt Beau Laquaise, full brother to Sultana, and a filly by imported Citizen, owned by H. G. Burton." -- The American Stud Book
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