Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Hermits Lancelot
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolioriReknroSPSB AT0920/S10
Säkä80 cm Värimkrj
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset4 jälkeläistä

27.7.2013Tingwall, ShetlandSilver70%80.00 cmKantakirjaustiedot
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Hermits Taurus
SPSB AM0362/S05-014
mkrj 80 cm s. 2001 GBR

Skyrack Stroller SPSB 4346
mkrj s. 1990 GBR

Ebony Prince SPSB 3260
mkrj s. 1978 GBR
Fairy Viking SPSB 2311
mkrj 81 cm s. 1968 GBR
Ron of North-Wells SPSB 1989 m 79 cm s. 1963
Fairy Vitality SPSB 6356 trnkrj 80 cm s. 1964
Princess SPSB 837 B
m s. 1965 GBR
Supremacy of Marshwood SPSB 1612 m 94 cm s. 1952
Cathie SPSB 1651 IS
Stranduff Martina SPSB 14823
mkrj s. 1986 GBR
Bayanne Prince SPSB 3374
rnkrj 81 cm s. 1978 GBR
Patch of Berry SPSB 1933 mkrj 82 cm s. 1962
Liz of Bayanne SPSB 10571 trn s. 1974
Maralee of Clibberswick SPSB 11619
m 81.5 cm s. 1978 GBR
Duncan of Crosbister SPSB 2631 rn 79 cm s. 1971†
Diane of Clibberswick SPSB 7458 m 94 cm s. 1969
Hermits Solo SPSB AH0845/M01-091
mkrj 84 cm s. 1998 GBR

Tory of Southfieldgate SPSB 4169
mkrj s. 1987 GBR
Earlsdon Dougal SPSB 3567
rnkrj 83 cm s. 1982 GBR
Fairy Viking SPSB 2311 mkrj 81 cm s. 1968
Berkswell Candy SPSB 11936 krj 86.4 cm s. 1978
Stranduff Trixie SPSB 12794
mkrj GBR
Speckle of Berry SPSB 3010 mkrjkm 88 cm s. 1974
Trudy of Urgarth SPSB 7860 m s. 1969
Clivocast Scala SPSB AC1370/M98-179
mkrj s. 1993 GBR
Rum of Brindister SPSB 4232
krjkm s. 1988 GBR
So Bo of Berry SPSB 3559 mkrjkm 81 cm s. 1980
Luella of Brindister SPSB 12916 trt 81 cm s. 1982
Clivocast Iona SPSB 16080
mkrj GBR
Rolo of Belmont SPSB 3971 km 84 cm s. 1985
Clivocast Ilona SPSB 13168 m
Glenbogie Beryl
SPSB AP0890/M06-183
rnkrj s. 2002 GBR

Super King of Belmont SPSB AB0850/S96-005
km 85 cm s. 1992 GBR

Rolo of Belmont SPSB 3971
km 84 cm s. 1985 GBR
Sport of Berry SPSB 3160
mkrjkm 93 cm s. 1976 GBR
Bon Bon of Berry SPSB 2693 krjkm 88 cm s. 1970
Promise of Berry SPSB 9721 m s. 1972
Shona of Belmont SPSB 10375
Firebrand of Marshwood SPSB 2527 rt 90 cm s. 1969
Fiona of Belmont SPSB 7692 m s. 1969
Rosebud of Belmont SPSB 10374
rt s. 1973 GBR
Firebrand of Marshwood SPSB 2527
rt 90 cm s. 1969 GBR
Gletness Fireman SPSB 2101 rt 95 cm s. 1966
Paprika of Marshwood SPSB 5988 rn 95.3 cm s. 1962
Marigold of Belmont SPSB 6389
rt 96 cm s. 1965 GBR
Rambler of Berry SPSB 1749 rt 99 cm s. 1959
June Rose of Belmont SPSB 84 B rtkrj 100 cm s. 1957
Beryl of Houlland SPSB AF0683/M00-517
rt s. 1996† GBR

Bramwell of Berry SPSB AB1403
rt s. 1992 GBR
Victor of Houlland S. 1102 HOL
rtkrj 87 cm s. 1984 GBR
Fitty of Setter Hall SPSB 3272 rtkrj 81 cm s. 1977
Gillian of Houlland SPSB 8271 rtkrj 89 cm s. 1969
Beryl of Berry SPSB 12295
rt 93 cm s. 1980 GBR
Harviestoun Bensyl SPSB 2854 m 93 cm s. 1972
Blaze of Berry SPSB 6471 m s. 1965
Yo-Yo of Houlland SPSB 15242
rnkrj s. 1986 GBR
Sprite of Berry SPSB 3271
mkrjkm 85 cm s. 1977 GBR
Bon Bon of Berry SPSB 2693 krjkm 88 cm s. 1970
Glitter of Berry SPSB 7020 m s. 1966
Kay of Houlland SPSB 13254
Avening Charlie Fox SPSB 2356 trt 92 cm s. 1968
Bliss of Houlland SPSB 5547 rtkrj 91 cm s. 1957
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