Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Gwyndy Penarth Relight
RotuWelsh, sektio A (Mountain)SukupuolitammaReknroWSB 9123
KasvattajaW. Arthur Pughe, Iso-BritanniaOmistaja
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset15 jälkeläistä
Muutavol. XXXII
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Gwyndy Limelight
WSB 1644
km s. 1933 GBR

Gwyndy Flashlight WSB 1643
km s. 1930 GBR

Craven Sprightly WSB 1442
km s. 1927 GBR
Grove King Cole II WSB 565
km s. 1911 GBR
Grove King Cole WSB 197 m s. 1905
Bleddfa Tell Tale WSB 943 km s. 1896
Grove Sprite II WSB 4431
trt s. 1912 GBR
Grove Ballistite WSB 200 km s. 1908
Grove Fairy WSB 2531 rt s. 1905
Gwyndy Ladybird WSB 9071
rt s. 1922 GBR
Gwyndy Golden King WSB 1037
rtpäis s. 1915 GBR
Gwyndy Comet WSB 731 rtpäis s. 1910
Gwyndy Princess Bess WSB 3319 rtpäis s. 1908
Gwyndy Flighty WSB 9070
trt s. 1915 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84 rt s. 1895
Gwyndy Wren WSB 1525 rt s. 1902
Gwyndy Sprite WSB 9072
rn s. 1927 GBR

Grove Sprightly WSB 1036
km s. 1918 GBR
Bleddfa Shooting Star WSB 73
km 117 cm s. 1901 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4 km 115 cm s. 1894†
Alveston Belle WSB 572 m 121 cm s. 1897
Grove Sprite II WSB 4431
trt s. 1912 GBR
Grove Ballistite WSB 200 km s. 1908
Grove Fairy WSB 2531 rt s. 1905
Gwyndy Georgina II WSB 9069
rn s. 1913 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84
rt s. 1895 GBR
Hamlet Prince of Denmark 4804 GB 142 cm
Welsh Wonder HSB 1268
Gwyndy Georgina WSB 1518
rn s. 1903 GBR
Llwyn George WSB 46 trn s. 1897
Dane Sally Gray WSB 1485 km s. 1898
Gwyndy Ladybird
WSB 9071
rt s. 1922 GBR

Gwyndy Golden King WSB 1037
rtpäis s. 1915 GBR

Gwyndy Comet WSB 731
rtpäis s. 1910 GBR
Dyoll Starlight WSB 4
km 115 cm s. 1894 GBR
Dyoll Glasallt WSB 438 m 122 cm s. 1891
Dyoll Moonlight WSB 75 kärpäskm 113 cm s. 1886
Gwyndy Bessie WSB 1517
rtpäis s. 1899 GBR
tuntematon ori
Gwyndy Princess Bess WSB 3319
rtpäis s. 1908 GBR
Prince of Cardiff WSB 84
rt s. 1895 GBR
Hamlet Prince of Denmark 4804 GB 142 cm
Welsh Wonder HSB 1268
Gwyndy Bessie WSB 1517
rtpäis s. 1899 GBR
tuntematon ori
Gwyndy Flighty WSB 9070
trt s. 1915 GBR

Prince of Cardiff WSB 84
rt s. 1895 GBR
Hamlet Prince of Denmark 4804 GB
142 cm
Welsh Wonder HSB 1268
Gwyndy Wren WSB 1525
rt s. 1902 GBR
Llwyn Nell WSB 998
rt s. 1890 GBR
Eiddwen Flyer WSB 421 rt 147 cm s. 1877†
Tibbie rt
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