Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Cecily of Catchpool
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB 14773
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset7 jälkeläistä
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Viscount of Catchpool
SPSB 3441
m s. 1981 GBR

Ickworth Vanquish SPSB 2867
m 84 cm s. 1970 GBR

Sean SPSB 1918
m 85 cm s. 1961 GBR
Eschonchan Sealgair SPSB 1732
m 96 cm s. 1956 GBR
Harviestoun Rusko SPSB 1560 m 99 cm s. 1952
Harviestoun Shona SPSB 5175 m s. 1951
Eschonchan Riora SPSB 5700
m 97 cm s. 1957 GBR
Eschonchan Bata SPSB 1600 m 101 cm s. 1953
Harviestoun Rön SPSB 5176 m 97 cm s. 1951
Kirkbride Earthy SPSB 6185
m 96.5 cm s. 1963 GBR
Sport of Marshwood SPSB 1485
m 103 cm s. 1947 GBR
Rustic Sprite of Standen SPSB 1343 m 104 cm s. 1929
Roseblossom of Maryfield SPSB 4703 m 97 cm s. 1931
Niccotine of Glebelands SPSB 47 B
mkrj 99 cm s. 1957 GBR
Balmohr Nick SPSB 1345 m 102 cm s. 1932
Niccolette of Glebelands SPSB 1162 IS
Wildmore Julie SPSB 7600
km 88 cm s. 1968 GBR

Merlin of Astley SPSB 2066
km 83 cm s. 1960 GBR
Kirkbride Leo SPSB 1694
krjkm 95.5 cm s. 1955 GBR
Silver Lining of Felbridge SPSB 1422 km 99 cm s. 1936
Nolana of Felbridge SPSB 4811 km 96 cm s. 1934
Sabina of Winwick SPSB 36 B
rn 93 cm s. 1957 GBR
Eckington Kirriemuir SPSB 1571 m s. 1952
Tuppence of Winwick SPSB 1222 IS rn 103 cm s. 1948
Fairylight of Toyland SPSB 153 B
Clothie Blue Ninon
SPSB 13587
mpäis 78 cm s. 1983 GBR

Olympus of Mousa SPSB 1947
m 96.5 cm s. 1963 GBR

Eschonchan Bacchus SPSB 1730
m 99 cm s. 1957 GBR
Harviestoun Rusko SPSB 1560
m 99 cm s. 1952 GBR
Harviestoun Signet SPSB 1456 m 100 cm s. 1947
Harviestoun Rene SPSB 4974 m 97 cm s. 1946
Boadicea of Marshwood SPSB 5074
m 93 cm s. 1949 GBR
Sophimore of Transy SPSB 1323 m 102 cm s. 1928†
Baroness of Marshwood SPSB 4925 m 96 cm s. 1945
Griselda of Mousa SPSB 2 B
m 90 cm s. 1955 GBR
Sparkler of Marshwood SPSB 1434
m 96 cm s. 1937 GBR
Rustic Sprite of Standen SPSB 1343 m 104 cm s. 1929
Standen Reserve SPSB 4704 krj 99 cm s. 1930
Bess of Mousa SPSB 1139 IS
s. 1936 GBR
tuntematon ori
tuntematon tamma
Clothie Heiliene SPSB 12060
mpäis 93 cm s. 1977 GBR

Lockinge Macaroon SPSB 2064
mpäis 86 cm s. 1965 GBR
Firedust of Marshwood SPSB 1769
mpäis 91.5 cm s. 1958 GBR
Firebird SPSB 1440 mpäis 86 cm s. 1937
Nun of Houlland SPSB 5227 m 89 cm s. 1952
Lockinge Eclair SPSB 5902
km 86 cm s. 1962 GBR
Eschonchan Ronay SPSB 1647 m 79 cm s. 1955
Sugar of Luckdon SPSB 117 B km 81 cm s. 1957
Jane of Dandies SPSB 7102
m 94 cm s. 1968 GBR
Trigger of Bardister SPSB 1703
krj s. 1956 GBR
Mundurno Snowman SPSB 1588 rt 99 cm s. 1951
Alice of Bardister SPSB 5324 mkrj 96 cm s. 1954
Betty SPSB 5731
mkrj 91 cm s. 1958 GBR
Sprinkle of Marshwood SPSB 1611 m 101 cm s. 1951
Inga SPSB 5397 mkrj 94 cm s. 1954
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