Farmari-maatalousnäyttely 4.-6.7.2024
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Birchwood Black Velvet
RotuShetlanninponiSukupuolitammaReknroSPSB 15686
SiirtohistoriaJälkeläisluokkaJälkeläiset6 jälkeläistä
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Seva Little Lord
SPSB 3314
rtkrj 78 cm s. 1979 GBR

Seva Harry O SPSB 3025
rtkrj 81 cm s. 1975 GBR

White Lion Golden Drop SPSB 2116
rt 86 cm s. 1966 GBR
Rayon d'Ore SPSB 1866
rt 87 cm s. 1960 GBR
Berboy of Longhaugh SPSB 1683 rtkrj 86 cm s. 1956
Nippy of Longhaugh SPSB 4954 rtkrj 100 cm s. 1945
Goldie of Markinch SPSB 6028
rt 89 cm s. 1960 GBR
Rustler of Markinch SPSB 1717 m 99 cm s. 1957
East March Daybreak SPSB 5485 m 101 cm s. 1955
Seva Candy Floss SPSB 8344
km 96 cm s. 1970 GBR
Longmead Northern Light SPSB 1927
rtpäis 91 cm s. 1963 GBR
Newtown Norseman 2nd SPSB 1764 km s. 1957
Longmead Spark SPSB 5573 rt s. 1954
Sheila III of Ramnagoe SPSB 7044
rtkrj GBR
Nord of Houlland SPSB 1834 rtkrj 93 cm s. 1959
Sheila of Ramnagoe SPSB 81 B m 93 cm s. 1957
Seva Isabel SPSB 1558 B
rtkrj 91 cm s. 1976 GBR

Seva Alpha SPSB 91 B
mkrj 83 cm s. 1968 GBR
Middlethird Ranger SPSB 3 B
m 91.5 cm s. 1965 GBR
Slacks Sensation SPSB 1568 mkrj 95 cm s. 1952
Wells Beauty SPSB 817 IS
Nutcracker SPSB 46 B
hkko 101 cm s. 1957 GBR
Flamenco of Felbridge SPSB 1404 krj 95 cm s. 1935
Jumbles SPSB 1219 IS hkkokrj 107 cm s. 1952
Parlington Cinders SPSB 8859
krj s. 1971 GBR
Coffee of Runnymede SPSB 2129
rnhkko 83 cm s. 1965 GBR
Cravat SPSB 1837 rnhkko 93 cm s. 1961
Rising Light SPSB 6251 rtkrj 87.5 cm s. 1956
Ebony Goldilocks SPSB 6918
rtkrj s. 1967 GBR
Florio SPSB 1539 rtkrj 81 cm s. 1946
Gleam of Houlland SPSB 6024 rt 81.3 cm s. 1961
Seva Organdie
SPSB 13000
mkrj s. 1982 GBR

Seva Harry O SPSB 3025
rtkrj 81 cm s. 1975 GBR

White Lion Golden Drop SPSB 2116
rt 86 cm s. 1966 GBR
Rayon d'Ore SPSB 1866
rt 87 cm s. 1960 GBR
Berboy of Longhaugh SPSB 1683 rtkrj 86 cm s. 1956
Nippy of Longhaugh SPSB 4954 rtkrj 100 cm s. 1945
Goldie of Markinch SPSB 6028
rt 89 cm s. 1960 GBR
Rustler of Markinch SPSB 1717 m 99 cm s. 1957
East March Daybreak SPSB 5485 m 101 cm s. 1955
Seva Candy Floss SPSB 8344
km 96 cm s. 1970 GBR
Longmead Northern Light SPSB 1927
rtpäis 91 cm s. 1963 GBR
Newtown Norseman 2nd SPSB 1764 km s. 1957
Longmead Spark SPSB 5573 rt s. 1954
Sheila III of Ramnagoe SPSB 7044
rtkrj GBR
Nord of Houlland SPSB 1834 rtkrj 93 cm s. 1959
Sheila of Ramnagoe SPSB 81 B m 93 cm s. 1957
Bee of Borgie SPSB 6752
m 87.5 cm s. 1964 GBR

Wells Three Star SPSB 1598
m 99 cm s. 1953 GBR
Wells Trueform SPSB 1488
m 101 cm s. 1948 GBR
Bergastor of Transy SPSB 1360 m 104 cm s. 1934
Harviestoun Troya SPSB 4860 m 99 cm s. 1939
Bonnyton Beauty 2nd SPSB 5219
m 96 cm s. 1949 GBR
Wells Prefect SPSB 1470 m 100 cm s. 1946
Bonnyton Beauty SPSB 987 IS
Beauty of Balintore SPSB 5560
vrn 99 cm s. 1959 GBR
Solid Gold of Balintore SPSB 1702
rt 96 cm s. 1956 GBR
Masterstroke of Netherley SPSB 1481 rt 97 cm s. 1947
Wells Golden Arrow S. 6225 HOL rt 99 cm s. 1952
Mayflower of Balintore SPSB 31 B
trn 96 cm s. 1954 GBR
Harviestoun Pippin SPSB 1417 trn 104 cm s. 1940
Wells Stella SPSB 995 IS
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